For Visitors
Visiting Hours
Visitors can be good medicine for patients. Family members and friends are welcome to visit. Patient care is our primary concern at Athens-Limestone Hospital. In order to enhance the quality of care, specific visiting hours and regulations have been recommended for each unit. Although visitors may visit at any time, recommended hours are 9:00AM -9:00PM. Visits by children are permitted, but please consider our patient's needs and safety and keep visits brief. Intensive Care Unit hours are posted at the entrance of the department. If you need additional information, please check with the nurse on the unit.
Visiting Regulations
The following are general guidelines for visitors:
- We are a Smoke Free Facility.
- Visitors must dress appropriately and must wear shirts and shoes.
- Visitors should be limited at the bedside.
- People with colds, sore throats or any contagious diseases should not visit patients
- Visits should be kept short.
- Visitors should maintain a quiet environment and avoid unnecessary noise.
Visitors may be asked to leave the room during tests or treatments or when the doctor or nurse needs to see the patient. Liberal visiting arrangements may be made for families of surgical patients on the day of surgery.
Condition Reports
Any personal information about your diagnosis and treatment must come from your physician, and this information is only available to members of your immediate family whom you designate to receive it. Please give your account number to immediate family, who you wish to have access to your health information.
Parking for patients and visitors is available at the hospital and across Market Street. ODA patients are provided reserved parking spaces located near the emergency room entrance. Free parking is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Patients and visitors are cautioned not to park in reserved areas or fire lanes. Patients and visitors are encouraged to park in well lighted areas and take appropriate safety precautions after dark. Security guards are available to escort you to your car. Please be sure to lock your car. If something happens which causes you to need assistance with your vehicle, please call the Security Department at extension 0.
Waiting Areas
There are designated visitor waiting areas on each patient floor and in the main floor. Specific waiting areas have been designated for families of patients in the critical care units, the emergency department, surgery and mother/baby. During certain hours, a volunteer hostess is on duty in the surgery waiting room to keep family members informed about the progress of surgery.
Gift Shop
The campus gift shop is located on the second floor, easily accessible from the Sanders Street entrance. In addition to its' limited Starbucks menu, the shop has a variety of food and drink items, gift items, baby gift items, costume jewelry, magazines, balloons, and greeting cards. To reach the gift shop, please call 256-233-9521 or inside the hospital dial extension 1521. The gift shop is open weekdays from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.